February 6, 2010

Pizza Hut?

I wonder what that used to be.

A Pizza Hut?

No. There's no "R" or "B" in "Pizza Hut."

February 4, 2010

10 Minutes In Waukegan

He was pushing 60.
He had a beer gut.
The last strands of his hair clutched whitely to his weathered scalp.
He was standing on the side of a road in Waukegan wearing a Statue of Liberty outfit.

Next door a car insurance company works out of a trailer.
I waited inside to pick up some documents.
A man was trying to get insurance before his court date that day.
He said "my Cadillac" three times.
She said "last minute" twice.
A mailman pulled up to the old man in the Statue of Liberty outfit and handed him mail.

I went to a gas station to grab a cup of coffee.
Feeling fancy and using terrible judgment, I opted for a pumpkin cappuccino from a self serve machine.
It tasted like Turtle Wax with a hint of print shop.

I left Waukegan.

Future Stars Of Football

Recently, football has produced some colorfully named players.
Take a listen!

Pacman Jones
Chad Ochocinco
Cadillac Williams

So I decided to visit a nearby football camp to see who would be gracing the Pro Bowls of tomorrow.
Take a look at this handsome roster!

Email Jordan
Carphone Scherenberger
Brad Cinco De Mayo
Missile Command Grubbs
Star Sixty Nine Clemons
Q*bert Enriquez
Bail Bonds
Yar's Revenge Oglesby
Football "Concussion" Jones

I can't wait for football in The Year 2020!

Trixie News


Just because you think you're hot doesn't mean the world must wait while you stand in the middle of the street drinking Starbucks, you female asshole.

Female condom.

Car Crucifix

Your asshole driving is shaking the shit out of your car crucifix.
That tiny Jesus is going to puke all over your pantsuit.